Monday, May 18, 2009


May 14th is my Joycee Beths birthday and for the last 5 years we have always gone to Idaho were she lives and celebrated her birthday with her so it was no surprise to her when we told her mom that we were coming. bobby told me that joycee told her that she new Grandma Nette and Brandi would come "they always come mom" is what she said. so this year was the 6th annual trip that was made i know hard to believe that she is 6 . the weekend was filled with one thing after another Friday we had a family party. Saturday we went to a mother daughter brunch with bobby followed by a friend party with her friends. that is were drew got his hands on his first cup cake once he had it how could i tell him no right. the night ended with the annual trip to the local high school gym for the final dance of the season from the downtown dance studio girls. i just love the kids and look forward to this trip each year. love you Joycee and Happy birthday kid.


First mothers day

ok ok i know i said that i was not ready for this. But what was i thinking he has not only stolen my heart but i know he has his daddy's as well. You hear it all the time about how it is so different when they are yours but you just really cant tell what that means until you have one. so with this i would like to thank my mom i mean really what a mom i have and i could never had understood everything that she did for me until now. now i have my own amazing child and i could not ask for anything more. Thanks again mom for everything i love you.

Friday, May 8, 2009

day at the hospital

Drew had his 6 month check up on Monday at his check up we found that Drew has lost about a pound and is not growing. He has been having circulation issues were his little hands and little feet go purple. knowing this information his Dr ordered some test for him at the hospital. luckily all the test came back fine. Drew will be going back to the Dr. on Monday and we will see if the little man has gained some weight back if not then we will be headed to Salt Lake City to Primary Children's for a second look. For now he is doing well and is happy as ever we just need to make sure he is growing good.