Friday, May 8, 2009

day at the hospital

Drew had his 6 month check up on Monday at his check up we found that Drew has lost about a pound and is not growing. He has been having circulation issues were his little hands and little feet go purple. knowing this information his Dr ordered some test for him at the hospital. luckily all the test came back fine. Drew will be going back to the Dr. on Monday and we will see if the little man has gained some weight back if not then we will be headed to Salt Lake City to Primary Children's for a second look. For now he is doing well and is happy as ever we just need to make sure he is growing good.


Trista and fam said...

Why in the world was he in the hospital. How sad!!! Let me know.

Bobby Jo said...

We will keep praying for this little guy! Give him big hugs and kisses from us!

Micah and Jen said...

scary being a mom isn't it? HOpefully things go well and they can figure out what is wrong. Personally, I would head out to Primary children's no matter what the tests say in Logan.....better safe than sorry and they have so much better technology down there. Thinking of you guys and you'll be in our prayers.