Monday, May 18, 2009

First mothers day

ok ok i know i said that i was not ready for this. But what was i thinking he has not only stolen my heart but i know he has his daddy's as well. You hear it all the time about how it is so different when they are yours but you just really cant tell what that means until you have one. so with this i would like to thank my mom i mean really what a mom i have and i could never had understood everything that she did for me until now. now i have my own amazing child and i could not ask for anything more. Thanks again mom for everything i love you.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Brandi you are such an amazing mom! I am so glad that we get to experience this whole motherhood thing together!
And you are right... your mom is incredible; she has done more than her share to help me out, too!